Wednesday, February 23, 2011

You've been struck by a Smooth Criminal

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This is Smooth Criminal by Alien Ant Farm. Though we all know that the magnificent Micheal Jackson was the original singer of this song, AAF does a great adaptation. In this video it goes back from day to night. In the life of AAF there always partying but, I love this video because it includes everyone. It doesn't just have Girls shaking every inch of her body. It has guys with mullets, old guys doing the thriller dance, diaper wearing monkeys and a conveniant light up sidewalk on the front lawn, a perfect world. one stereotyhpe that is shoved in your face though is the little kid with the bandana over his face doing some little "gangsta swagga dance". the bandana over the face is a huge stereotype when it comes to gangsters. another good example is that the band members are doing all the moves that Micheal was known for. I believe the creed for this song is simple: Annie are you ok? because you were just hit by a smooth criminal. Values shown are mainly everyone can party whether you have a mullet, a bandana over your face or if your a monkey, were all equal and have the right to party. I think this video would appeal to teenagers mainly because of its complete randomness. So many things happen in this video that you have to watch it a few times to get every detail of it. It's also entertaining because of its randomness like, I know I have already brought it up but, how can a monkey wearing a diaper not be hilarious. In conclusion I believe this is a good video because it shows completly different groups of people partying at the same time loving life and keeping Micheal Jacksons beats close to our hearts.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Assignment one

I believe that the media is pretty important in my life. Everytime I walk somewhere I always have my Ipod playing my favourite tunes. When ever I have free time I'm either watching one of my favourite shows or playing some videogames. I think that without sources of media I would die of boredom.

Movies have to be the most important source of media to me. I go to the movies on a weekly basis, it's almost like an addiction. It's not even the type of movie that matters. I'll give a ny movie a chance. Take The Lovely Bones for example. Girlfriend wanted to see it, so we went and, though it was a terrible movie, I gave it a fair chance. I guess the next best source of media to me would be my Ipod. I really don't like walking in silence so, the Ipod solves that issue.

When it comes to pop culture, I love the technology but, I absolutely hate everything else about it. I love tyhe Ipod touch, it's a great invention. I also love the new smart phones, it's like having a small computer in your pocket. I hate all the new popular celebrities, they're all ridiculous. don't even get me started on the cast of jersey shore. I personally use media for watching my favourite tv shows, the newest movies and using the internet for facebook and hotmail. I think nowadays media is mainly used for commercialism and entertainment. some people use it for other reasons like online shopping or the news but, i bet if u took a survey you would find that most would say for entertainment values.

If i was on a deserted island, the 3 types of media I'd choose are television, movies and videogames. for my tv show, I would choose Family Guy because no matter how many times I've seen any of the episodes they're always funny to me. My movie of choice would be Independance day because not only is it a long movie but, it's also amazing. My videogame of choice would be The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. It's a great game and it takes a bit of time to beat.